The Revitalizing Doctor Podcast

A Resource for Women in Medicine by: 
Dr. Andrea Austin and
Revitalize Women Physician Circle.


Physician burnout is at an all-time high. Women physicians are leaving the profession at an alarming rate. At Revitalize, we believe that doing the inner work to reflect, restore and reignite your passion and creativity is key to not only personal fulfillment but creating the next wave of women physician leaders that will transform healthcare. We have conversations with leaders about their personal stories and advice for harnessing authenticity, strength, and creativity to foster personal fulfillment and change healthcare.



The Revitalizing Doctor Podcast: A Resource For Women In Medicine

Hosted by: Dr. Andrea Austin and Revitalize Women Physician Circle

Physician burnout is at an all-time high. Women physicians are leaving the profession at an alarming rate. At Revitalize, we believe that doing the inner work to reflect, restore and reignite your passion and creativity is key to not only personal fulfillment but creating the next wave of women physician leaders that will transform healthcare. We have conversations with leaders about their personal stories and advice for harnessing authenticity, strength, and creativity to foster personal fulfillment and change healthcare.