Considering A Transition Out Of The Military?

Harness the full power of your military career as you transition to civilian life.



Are You Ready To Take Control Of Your Career?

This program, designed specifically for women physicians looking to leave the military in the next one to two years, provides accountability and expertise as you explore new possibilities and re-design your career to align with your vision and values. The mastermind format will help you:

  • See challenges in a new light. 
  • Discover many new perspectives on how you can leverage your strengths and grow your network.
  • Craft the ideal professional mix to help you thrive.

You will be joining a cohort of fellow high-achieving women physicians with the goal of transitioning powerfully and intentionally, guided by two successful female veterans.


Transition Seamlessly

Authentic Connection

Be part of a strong community of women physicians who all understand the challenges and fears of transitioning to a civilian career. These women will become your sounding board of like-minded peers, who will embrace, support and hold you accountable to make the steps necessary for creating a fulfilling career.


Powerful Coaching

Every session is guided by two highly successful women physician veterans who are experts in women's professional development and creating diversified careers. At all five sessions, you will have access to a Certified Executive Coach and trained Mastermind facilitator who has created a successful post-military career as a physician executive. Along with the insights and accountability of your cohort, you will receive intentionally curated resources to refer to throughout your entire transition process.


I’ve made new friends and connections with women who are creating a new life with more balance and greater purpose through Revitalize.  The diversity of women in the mastermind brings fresh perspectives and excellent networking opportunities, leading to exciting collaborations.

Torree McGowan, MD, FACEP

In The Next Year, You Could…

  • Get clear on your vision & values 
  • Transition out of the military with ease
  • Land your ideal civilian role

The right problem-solving approach can make all the difference.  Our customized program combined with assessments is proven to provide enduring results.


Dr. Linda Lawrence & Dr. Andrea Austin

Two passionate and accomplished women physicians and veterans, dedicated to empowering their fellow colleagues and driving positive change in the medical profession.

Dr. Linda Lawrence brings a wealth of experience as a certified executive coach, emergency physician, and leadership development expert. With over 25 years of experience in senior healthcare leadership roles, she has successfully navigated various career transitions while staying true to her personal values. 

Dr. Andrea Austin, an emergency physician, Navy veteran, and women's advocate, is a force in promoting gender equity in medicine. She has extensive experience in group facilitation and one-on-one mentorship for women's professional development. Dr. Austin's own transformative experience as a coaching client during the COVID-19 pandemic inspired her to join forces with Dr. Lawrence in creating Revitalize. 

Through their combined expertise, passion, and commitment, Dr. Linda Lawrence and Dr. Andrea Austin have forged a powerful platform in Revitalize, providing women physicians with the tools, guidance, and support they need to overcome challenges, find fulfillment, and flourish in their medical journeys.