All The Tools You Need ToĀ Change Your Life.Ā 

How would it feel to accelerate your learning curve and accomplish more in a year than you could alone in a lifetime?

Aside from receiving access to highly successful executive coaches and personally developed resources, mastermind groups are based around peer mentorship.


Mastermind Meetings Will Become The Most Productive Hours Of Your Month.

The power and experience of many minds provides you with options and possibilities not available by yourself. This opens participants up to new perspectives while also offering more clarity on where their energy should be focused. The support and accountability of trusted peer advisors and experienced executive coaches help you break through what is holding you back with confidence and clarity.Ā 


Emergency Department Leaders Mastermind

Designed for like-minded ED leaders looking to grow their leadership skills and create trusted community of peer advisors. This group is for those committed to finding AND implementing solutions to the many issues faced in the ED.


Revitalize Women Physician Circle

Go from "survive" to "thrive" with this mastermind group created for women physicians. Gain the confidence, surety and safety to make critical changes in your career partnering with a trusted tribe of women physicians like you.